Enter the world of Coolopolis where Mr. CoolMoney lives. He along with his financial pals educate the citizens of Coolopolis to build wealth and avoid debt traps. If you decide to become a citizen or even just to visit, Mr. CoolMoney hopes that you, too, will take control of your financial future.
Booking RequestRecognizing and Learning the value of coins
Learning the "Secret of PYF" to avoid debt traps
Learning the basic concepts and techniques of saving
Learning how to set and budget for goals
Safe Cleaning Supplies
Safe Cleaning Supplies
Safe Cleaning Supplies
Finances are something that everyone will deal with their whole lives. It's important to instill sound financial principles as soon as possible. Mr. CoolMoney sent Billy out to teach young kids about his adventure as he saved the pennies and encouraged them, that they could also save pennies. During this mission, Billy will help the kids identify money but he also introduces the value of saving.
Request a PresentationInvite Billy and his friends out to teach your kids about coins. Billy will teach the young people about coins and coin values. After learning the values, Billy will invite the kids to join him in the quest to save the pennies.